El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park & Placerville Call: 530-558-0882

Bergsma Plumbing

Reach Out To Us

Tell Us How We Can Help

Bergsma Plumbing is here to help you with all your plumbing needs. Tell us how we can help. Our office hours are: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m - 5 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 3:30pm

Placerville, El Dorado Hills & Cameron Park Residents Call: (530) 622-0882

If you fill out the form below and someone will reach out to you within 24 hours.

Why Bersma Plumbing?

Many times people try to save money by not hiring a professional plumber to perform a necessary repair. Often times that work is not done correctly. The cost of the origiinal repair, plus the cost of a second repair, and any repair or replacement caused by the failure of an improper repair can skyrocket. Your time is valuable to you, and the best advice we can give you is let a professional plumber do it right the first time. Bergsma Plumbing has protected the health and well being of our friends and neighbors in El Dorado County & areas of Amador County. Bergsma Plumbing is here to serve you.
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*Ask about our Senior and Veteran discounts.

*Same rate Saturday as weekdays!